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How we work

From idea to product

It all starts with an idea and a need. We then create a rough prototype and play with its potential uses. Next step - creating a refined version of the product and testing it in real life, at our home with our own families.

Once the product gets all the green lights - we think of the best way to manufacture it in a way that saves the environment. We then share detailed specs with the relevant artist, and manufacture a testing version of the product. If we feel it meets our criteria and expectations, the artist then begins manufacturing that product's defined total quantity for møble's inventory.

The møble promise

Each product purchased from møble comes with a standard quality guarantee. We vouch for the product's shelf life, usability, and the quality of the materials it's made of. This concept is rooted in our general approach of creating simple, beautiful, and functional products.


Our philosophy

Creating with the environment in mind - this is our guiding principle of our manufacturing process. Whether our product comes from Mexico, Peru or Stockholm, we use the most sustainable method possible.

We believe our products create experiences, and therefore enhance living spaces of families worldwide.

The møble artists

Creating with the environment in mind - this is our guiding principle of our manufacturing process. Whether our product comes from Mexico, Peru or Stockholm, we use the most sustainable method possible.

Fair & equal pay

Creating with the environment in mind - this is our guiding principle of our manufacturing process. Whether our product comes from Mexico, Peru or Stockholm, we use the most sustainable method possible.

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